发布日期:2023-09-21 10:09 点击次数:165
近日,利拉德作客了一档名为《It Is What It Is》的播客节目,技艺他谈到了“加入豪杰”这个话题。
全球最大的博彩平台KD did more with the thunder than dame has ever done with the blazers lol
KD also played with TWO other HOF MVP players while on the Thunder too
在雷霆队效劳技艺,KD 还与另外两位名东谈主堂、MVP 球员一齐打球。
2020年4月非法出境缅甸。2021年9月24日自缅甸边境投案自首,实行隔离医学观察。9月26日新冠病毒核酸检测阳性,转运至定点医院隔离诊治。结合流行病学史、临床表现实验室检测结果,诊断新冠肺炎确诊病例(普通型,缅甸输入)。somebody had to say it, Dame quickly becoming one of the most annoying players in the league. Too much media time for this guy. Also he put himself in this situation so like your not the victim. Also we gotta stop treating dame like he could win with a superteam.
I like Dame, but what is the difference from what KD did, to what Dame is trying to do now? It’s pretty similar in the light.
我可爱利拉德,但 KD 所作念的和利拉德现时要作念的有什么差异?从名义上看很相似。
The heat were an 8th seed team whereas the warriors had literally the best lineup and record in the league at the time. It would be a perfect comparison if dame was trying to join the nuggets but not the heat.
I’m not mad at either but it’s 100% different.
广西玉林新闻网1—KD joined historic 73-win team that already won a title w/o KD & was a lock to win title w/KD on Day 1.
2—Dame would join 44-win team that wildly overachieved in playoffs & even with Dame, still lacks size & wouldn’t be the fav.
1-KD加盟的是历史级73胜球队,这支球队在莫得KD的情况下照旧夺得过总冠军,皇冠体育 app何况在有KD来的第一天就锁定了总冠军。
kd could’ve went to another team and been a title contender, he didn’t have to join gsw. bro could’ve went to the spurs , clippers or rockets. but joining a 73 win team that beat him wasn’t the smartest decision by him
KD本不错去其他球队,成为总冠军的争夺者。本不错去马刺、快船或火箭,但加入一支73 胜的球队并不是他最贤惠的决定。
If KD didn’t go to GS he would have the same amount of rings Dame has
淌若 KD 莫得去豪杰,他也会领有和 利拉德一样多的总冠军法规。
Looks like Damian Lillard is hoping KD joins his team...as a ghostwriter!
看来达米安-利拉德但愿 KD 加入他的团队...... 作为捉刀!
is that why you’re demanding a trade to the team that was just in the Finals?
If Dame went to another team he would have a ring already
That’s why KD is so insecure and sensitive. He knows it’s true
这即是为什么 KD 如斯穷乏安全感和如斯敏锐,他知谈这是确凿。
Rihanna said it best
Yet here is trying to force a trade to someone closer to competing; with the unreasonable expectation that the Blazers wont get anything back that might hurt him in his new home.
Why do people hate on that decision by KD so much? I don’t get it! But no one talks about how many times LeBron has moved around or how he only wanted the best players he could get around him. He wasn’t trying to play with below average players or young players.
皇冠信用网开户为什么东谈主们如斯报怨 KD 的决定?我不解白!然而,莫得东谈主探求勒布朗曾屡次转会,约略他只念念要身边最佳的球员,他并不念念和低于平均水平的球员或年青球员一齐打球。
Dame can join the team that lost in the finals the previous year but KD can’t?
利拉德不错加入前一年在总决赛中失利的球队,但 KD 却不行?
don't join the Heat (who made the 2023 NBA Finals). Join the 17-65 Pistons, or you're basically doing the same thing
不要加入热火队(他们打进了 2023 年 NBA 总决赛)。加入战绩为 17 胜 65 负的活塞队,不然你基本上即是在作念一样的事情。
It was meant to be, the NBA made it happen to protect Jordan’s legacy. Otherwise Lebron would’ve had 7 or 8 by now��
这是射中注定的,NBA 为了保护乔丹的历史地位,不然勒布朗现时照旧有 7 个或 8 个了总冠军。
His one to talk. He wanted to go to Miami this off-season. He just salty he didn't succeed
He’s ruined how the world views him in one offseason